She's Bloody angry, with razor sharp teeth. KAMLA is coming for you....

Kamla is the first Indian Horror game to be published - it was developed by the team at MadMantraGames and was released May 7th, retailing for $11.99. It took me about 3.5-4 hours to beat the game. I was provided a key by the team- thank you so much MadMantra Team! 

There is one thing that makes me the most uncomfortable when playing a horror game and that is the piercing sound of silence, and let me say THAT coupled with the faint hint of jingle bells and the unmistakable guttural breathing from the aforementioned Kamla - makes my skin crawl. The sound work in Kamla was rich, layered and well used, this pairs well with the stunning visuals laid out my Kamla's designers! When I first started exploring the Haveli or mansion where the story of Kamla takes place, the jewel toned colors inside the home and the wrecked and decrepit nature of the home spattered with blood, I counted at least 4 different places were innocent lives were taken. 

The game play is fairly easy to navigate, there is NO crouch button, so don't even try. The game is stealth based and your ultimate goal is to comb through the house to find 6 items needed for an exorcism, while solving puzzles and evading the games name sake in the process. There are ample places to hide and plenty of dark corners for Kamla to crawl from. In theory it reminds me of a giant game of hide, seek and dont die. There is a center courtyard where the exorcism takes place. Be careful tho, when you set something down at the fire pit - you may be charged at by Kamla as when you find one of the needed items, she screams before charge attacking you.  A few side notes - each death will result in an inscense bowl burning out, you get 3 lives before Kamla takes you, when you find your objects you can only carry one at a time, check every drawer and be strategic with each move you make....thank me later. 

The story of Kamla revolves around a beautiful young woman named Kamla in the early 1980s. She was married to a wonderful man, in a ceremony filled with culture, love and support from her new in-laws & family! After the wedding Kamla got sick, and her illness led to a change in her demeanor. She became angry, violent and ultimately was possessed by an evil demon! We play as a humble pastor charged with finding what happened to Kamlas family and rid this beautiful girl of the demon within.

The only character we see is our vicious antagonist Kamla - she is absolutely stunning - the team really nailed how I would imagine a possessed woman would walk, Kamla has a slow slummped, dragging walk, where it looks like being piloted from within and if she gets too close you can hear her  jingle bells known as Ghungroo in the distance. Her outfit is absolutely gorgeous she wears a crimson Saree top and snow white bottoms speckled with fresh glistening blood. Her golden jewelry can be seen glimmering in the faint lights through out the home. If you get too close to her or she catches you, you will see the long razor sharp teeth and claws along with glowing demonic eyes. She taunts you as she scowls the mansion, her taunts are only drowned out by the mantra and chants from our protagonist. 

SOUND DESIGN & VISUALS:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ 9/10

GAMEPLAY: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ 8/10

CONTROLS:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 7/10

STORY:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 8/10 

CHARACTER DESIGN:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐10/10

Overall Score:  8.8/ 10


Kamla was an experience and game I will not soon forget. I really enjoy games that are rich with culture, lore and immersion. I really like learning a little bit about Indian ghost stories and learning alot from the madmantra team - who were always super gracious, kind and they interacted with my community answering questions and chatting about Kamla. 

I highly reccomend playing Kamla of you're looking for a unique and story rich game that will make your blood run cold. 

Pick up Kamla here! 


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