My Little Blood Cult...of DOOM?!

Have you ever wanted to start a cult, filled with minions who would sacrifice themselves with a snap of your fingers? have you ever wanted to go fishing in the depths of the abyss on a lazy Sunday? Well do I have news for you! My Little Blood Cult will let you do BOTH of those things and more! MLBC is an adorable fishing sim where you prepare your rod and reel for a deep dark journey to the depths of the eternal abyss to fish for and collected demons, ghost and ghoulies alike! The game is developed and published by Dillo Interactive on December 2023 and retails for $6.66 (which if you ask me is a STEAL)  

The gameplay is simple enough, however upon launch there were no tutorials within the game showing any of the mechanics, this seemed to be the #1 complaint from almost every player. As for myself, I didn't care if there was a tutorial or not, because after some tinkering I was able to figure it out and get the hang of what you were supposed to do with relative ease. However shortly after launch the devs patched the game to include a very easy to follow picture based tutorial on every aspect of the game. The only thing to really do in MLBC is fish for demons and collect them in your library. Mainly this is what you do in the game. Now I have no issue with this, however it would be cool to have maybe a "boss" encounter of some sort, to keep it spicy! Don't fret my little cultlings, I have already spoken to the team and some amazing things are coming your way, especially if you're a MLBC fan!

The visuals of the game are crisp and pristine, there is ambient movement amongst the NPC and you can watch them as they sweep the creepy corridors of your hallway, hustle and bustle around the HR office or leap to their imminent doom in the blood letting room. My personal favorite is after you reel in the catch of the day, they sway and dance just for you! Not only that but you can see how hard at "work" management is in the background, I guess if you could call that "work" ! The sound design is fantastic, the ambient sounds are stellar and actually quite relaxing. I find myself playing MLBC to relax after along hard day, where I can turn off my brain and enjoy deep sea fishing trying to catch the rarest of ghouls! I have already spoke to the devs about including some extra sounds, for example, swishing sounds for water when fishing, cheering sounds from the cult after a successful catch just to name a few. The Devs have been super receptive to all the feedback and have been working diligently for bug fixes and patches! (great work team!)

There isn't much from a story perspective, other than you are the illustrious and mysterious unnamed cult leader who your minions and their masters serve unconditionally. I do wish the devs included some sort of story to go along with the stunning visuals and excellent sound design. I feel like if there was a story of "being kidnapped as the chosen one" or "finding out your descended from a previous cult leader" could have been great stories to loop in and would have fit really well. There is no "antagonist" per say other than "alchemy symbols" that you must clear before being able to acquire a successful catch.

Scores are rated out of 10:
GAMEPLAY: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 7/10
CONTROLS:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐6/10
STORY:⭐⭐ ⭐3/10
Overall Score: 6.5/10

Final Thoughts:

Will I make a cult filled with minions to do my bidding while I cast my rod to catch the biggest baddest demon out there. I really enjoyed it for what it was - a fishing sim. I am realist when it comes to game and gaming in general. I am not going to get upset or rate a game as unplayable because I was expecting the game to be something that it wasn't. I have already written a steam review for this game and highly recommended it!  You can check it out over on steam if you like, however I stand by my review on both steam and my blog! Its a great game if you want something with a relaxing atmosphere, collectable items and so much potential to grow into something greater than what it is - which is a beautiful thing! If you have played the game and you enjoyed yourself please leave them a review on steam! it really helps indie devs in the steam community! This post and score may be updated pending developer updates! Go pick it up for yourself today and become the best little cult leader I know you can be!


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