Please leave my finger alone - A Memoir by the Administrator.

Imagine being so desperate to find your missing sister you sign yourself up for the same isolation experiment that she did in order to gather clues as to her whereabouts. That my friends is  exactly what happens in the new point and click horror adventure "We are not alone" from Stasis Booth Games. The game launched on March 28th 2024 and currently retails for $14.99 and has a play time of around 3-6 hours depending on how much you explore. I really enjoyed my time in WANA and I cant wait to tell you about it. 

In the game you play as Riley a young woman who is on the search for her sister, Laura. Your sister signed up for an experiment with the shady corporation called the Osiris Initiative and in order to gain intel and find your sister, you sign up for the same experiment. Within a few minutes of exploring your apartment, you hear a knock at your door where you are greeted by the nicest and most amazing Administrator ever.....okay maybe she isn't nice, more cold, direct and intentional and I do have to say before I continue, she is voiced by yours truly, ME - VANDRAH! She was such a great time to voice and I am so honored to lend my voice to such a unique gaming experience. OK back to the recap! The administrator rushes you to the car after taking blood and administer a sedative, when you arrive on the Osiris campus you are greeted by a gravely voiced security gurad who directs tou to the confremce room, where you're then given a lengthy orientation that sets the rules for your stay. After your released from orientation, you probe the Admin for more info about your missing sister, but being the immovable mountain she is, you find out no further info from her so you move to meet your flat mates....experi-mates? Uh...your new friends in the mess hall. Upon entering the mess hall you learn more about the controls and you get to meet Geoff (pronounced Jeff) and Charlie (not the unicorn but also a Unicorn) You learn more about them and why they are here, but after this meeting some strange and bloody things start to happen and the layers of Osiris become peeled back as you uncover the darkest bloodies secrets. Will you find your sister? You will have play the game to find out the rest.....

The visuals of the game are fantastic. Each environment is extremely detailed backgrounds and interactable objects I definitely recommend a long-play for your first time-really allow yourself to get immersed in this world. The sound design on the other hand was fantastic, I do have to say when you start your journey of the isolation experiment there is very little ambient sound other than the obvious shower sounds and flushing toilets in the bathroom or low electrical hums in the generator room but as you uncover more and more of shadows deep within Osiris the sound effects change and become more ominous, more layered and much richer than on the upper more sterile levels. I feel this was done intentionally to build not only suspense but a sinking feeling that something terrible is following you.

The game play was also fantastic, it used a culmination of point and click, fixed angles and 1st and 3rd person and it was done quite well I may add. Each view changes made sense and didn't jump around randomly like I have seen with other multi focused games. Each section before you get to the meat and potatoes of the game I feel acts as almost a tutorial of sorts, whether is finding the vacuum to do your chores or being given tasks by the administrator it teaches you the basics and fundamentals of the games mechanics to give you a smooth and easy playthrough. It also helps that Riley can remind you of some things like not forgetting your camera or that for some reason she cant wipe her wet hands on her shirt like a normal human and must use a towel, these gentle reminders are done in a way that does not break your immersion but merely enhances it. 

The controls themselves again were quite easy and this section will be quick, its a point and click styled game where of the majority of the time you will be using your mouse its only when you switch to 3rd person that you can use WASD to control Riley and make her move, however you still use the mouse to click and collect your items. Something I found rather interesting was you can combine items in your inventory to solve puzzles, this was a great addition to the puzzle mechanic in this game and added a level of challenge so you really had to think sometimes as to what the answer would be. Quick side note - PLEASE LEAVE THE ADMINISTRATORS FINGER ALONE! Eh hem....I mean really investigate your surroundings because sometimes there is more than one answer to the puzzle - just like there is more than one ending to this game. 

The character design was great as well. Like I have said before Andrew (the dev if you were wondering) his attention to detail carried over even to his characters - and I have a specific theory on one of our characters - specifically the Security Guard, I noticed they all looked the same and after uncovering some of Osiris's secrets I was thinking to myself that is it possible they have cloned one human being to be their entire armed work force? Who knows its just a theory! The rest of the cast was also well done, the Administrator with her business suit and pumps looking like a corporate American dream, or Riley they young ambitious sister losing heroine that really rocks a white tank and even our loveable Geoff in his sweater and Charlie also in his sweater! What I am trying to say is each character is well build, fits their VA quite well and lends their own special something to the game. Also did I mention this game is fully voice acted! I will put the cast list and their links below if you want to check them out, I know each of them and they are all AMAZING. 

SOUND DESIGN & VISUALS:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ 9/10

GAMEPLAY: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ 8/10

CONTROLS:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 7/10

STORY:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 8/10 

CHARACTER DESIGN:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐10/10

Overall Score:  8.5/ 10

Final Thoughts: 

I have to say that We are not alone was a journey. Seeing it from its humble beginnings as a demo and talking with Andrew he did not hesitate to make changes to the game for the sake of playability, inclusiveness, accessibility and feedback. I enjoyed my time getting to know Andrew and having him become such an amazing member of the community - he even trusted me with helping him find some talent for his game, which I am so very grateful for the opportunity! I really recommend WANA if you are looking for a truly unique gaming experience! Its well worth a playthrough or 2 and I can not wait to see what happens in the next I am not going to tell you what its called, you have to play it to find that out!

Pick up We are not Alone on Steam now!

Meet the Voice Cast: (click the link to visit their twitter!)

Guard/New Anchor: Sebastian Volkov

Charlie: RealShadyUnicorn

Geoff: Deadguard98

Riley: KayleeMay

HER/Computer: XDianaX

Laura: SereneSeptemeber

The Administrator: VandrahO


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