Dye the Bunny...AGAIN

When I think of Bunnies - I think of bunnies I think of fluffy little clouds, with floppy ears and adorable twitching noses, after playing Dye the Bunny 2 - bunnies for me are amalgamations of horror to the nth degree as all I can picture now is a 7ft tall fluffy monster.

Dye the Bunny is a bite sized atmospheric horror game created by none other than Mr VidasTimore, it was released on April 13 2023 on steam for $6.99 and clocks in at about 2 hours. For this review I will be using a 5 star system as the game is at or under 2 hours. 

We play as Ellie a young girl who is trapped in the twisted world of who I lovingly call Mr. Bunny. After the evisceration of her friend, Bunny- Ellie is tasked with getting ALL THE COLORS in order to save her fluffy demon pal! She traverses a few levels gathering up some colors and we see areas that we did not see before such as a gas station, forest home and more. There are not any enemies per say, other than the bunny stalking you through the first area, and many well placed jump scares. We gather the colors through unbelievable odds only to deliver a plot twits that you will just have to play to find out. 

As I stated in my previous review for DTB1....the visuals were a mix of realism & fantasy. The realistic graphics of the beautiful and serene wood scape are met with the same energy in the graphic and gory details of Ellies adventures. Did I mention the Bunny was STILL unsettling?! The game play is as smooth as ever and I encountered NO BUGS during my playthrough. The puzzles were far more complex this time around as the game had far more substance! The sounds design is far more active in this version as we have so much more going on - there are moments where the game falls dead silent the JUMPSCARE - I never once anticipated it I felt they all happened organically and in places that made sense. 

We see far more of Ellie and Bunny in this game than in the prior installment - from chasing us to accompanying us, Bunny is just as terrifying now than in his previous version - His vocal work was fantastically done  and Ellies bloody innocence was brought to life by the Voice Actors and I applaud both of them. We get to hear so  much more of dialogue from these 2 which I loved because I feel like it opened up more into Ellies mind and more into the bunnies mind! My only critique here is Ellie seemed more grown up than her voice lead me to believe - I am not sure if this was a design choice and if Ellie is stuck in a child like state from her past traumas or if aging works differently in the realm where Ellie resides with Bunny. I am just not able to put my finger on the direction - Bunny on the other hand is just as if not more terrifying. 


GAMEPLAY: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5


STORY:⭐⭐⭐ 3/5 


Overall Score: 3.9 / 5


I found DTB2 to be a much more polished and refined version of DTB 1 and I love the fact you can play them together for a seamless story experience or separately not having to play the one without the other. Mr Timore has done it again and I love how DTB2 ended I feel it leaves it open for possibly a DTB3 - The Final Showdown? Who knows. I recommended playing through this pairing - you haven't experience true horror until you have played a game by Mr. Timore!

Pick up Dye The Bunny here on steam!


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